Alyssa Roberts

I was a delegate from 2015-2017 and a staff volunteer from 2017-2020 and a summer intern for iBELIEVE in 2019. Throughout my time in iBELIEVE I met incredible people and grew as a person exponentially. My communication, team-working, and time management skills are things that this community helped me grow and work on, and are skills that I rely on in my day-to-day now. I was so changed as a person after my time as a delegate that I knew I needed to give back to the organization that did so much for me. Being able to share my experiences throughout college and in my current job at the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland is always so exciting because I get to share my stories and my growth with others. I am so grateful to be able to say that iBELIEVE was a big part of my life for so long and that I still have connections with the community that we built there.