Morgan Everly

On one random school day, I was called down to the counselor's office where I was nominated to go to iBELIEVE. After reading about the program, I was so hesitant and thought of every possible thing that could go wrong. "What if I don't make any friends?" "What if nobody likes me?" "What if this is a waste of time?" But quickly all of those what ifs and those doubts changed into positive reinforcements. For many years, I've suffered from anxiety. I have the biggest FOMO (fear of missing out), which caused me so much anxiety growing up. But, that fear pushed me to go to iBELIEVE where I met two of my bestest friends. I won't lie, I was a nervous wreck and really held myself back that first year as a delegate. At the end of the program however, I didn't want to leave. I counted down 365 days until the next program the following summer, where I would be a delegate level two. And OH MY GOSH! Was that the best time of my life. I grew so much over the summer as a person, I reminisced over what I learned at iBELIEVE the previous year, became so much more confident, and truly became the best version of myself that I can be. I put myself out there and learned what I was capable of. I can say with no doubt in my mind that I am beyond excited for my last and final year as a delegate at iBELIEVE, and only can I hope for the future that I will be able to staff for years to come. Thank you, iBELIEVE. I would never be who I am today without all of the amazing staff and delegates I have met throughout the years. You have pushed me to be me. I love you.

Max Leu