Audrey Gibb
In 2011, I was offered the chance to attend a week long summer camp at a local university. It was the very first iBELIEVE summer workshop, and I could not be more grateful that I decided to attend. The first camp pushed me socially and intellectually. I had never been challenged like that before, and although it was uncomfortable at first, that feeling blossomed into fulfillment. I learned that I am capable of standing up to be a leader while also including others. I also learned when to step back and listen to those around me. I was surrounded by amazing role models that wanted to listen, teach, and help. Everyone working that camp was giving 110% regardless if it was during an educational group or simply eating a meal. The programming was impeccably thought out to the last minute, and every activity had purpose. I left that camp with new friendships, confidence to be my authentic self, motivation to pursue my goals, and the knowledge to know how. I went back the following summers for the second and third levels of workshops. After completing those, I went through the proper staff training. I am no different when I say iBELIEVE has had a monumental impact on my life.
iBELIEVE is so special. This organization’s goals, message, and altruistic work has positively impacted the lives of thousands of kids and adults. It gives opportunities to high schoolers in Appalachia that may not have had access to otherwise. It gives a voice to the quiet kids usually sitting in the back unnoticed. It provides guidance to the extroverts that have so many great ideas, but they just don’t know where to start. It gives hope and assistance to a student so he/she can be a first generation college student.
This may all sound too good to be true, but I can assure you it’s not. iBELIEVE provides a judgement free environment for kids to safely explore who they are and what they’re capable of. I helped build a network through iBELIEVE and it helped me through high school, college, graduate school, and still in my professional career today. I was able to help orchestrate and participate in charitable events that gave back to the local community, create a student organization at West Virginia University, and use the communication skills I learned to further my career. No matter how much time passed, I was always greeted with welcoming arms. Other kids deserve to have the experiences I have had. It started with one workshop in 2011, and it grew to multiple workshops being conducted during the same weeks at different college campuses. When I think about the butterfly effect and how iBELIEVE has impacted not only the Appalachian region, but areas across the entire country, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the individuals who work tirelessly to keep iBELEIVE going. I feel confident that the effects of iBELIEVE will stretch worldwide, if they haven’t already. Please reach out to learn more about this organization and how you can help.